Monday, October 10, 2011

Helping People meet their Potential

The title of the video that I watched was Assistive Technology: Enabling Dreams, and it was basically about assistive technology used in ways that improve the lives of peoples with disabilities. It was a video that talked about the hardships that people with disabilities go through, and it showed us how beneficial different devices can be for them. For these people technology is not just a means of saving time/energy. For these people having assistive technology is crucial for their survival, and for their accomplishments in life. In the video I saw a lot of different forms of assistive technology being used. The most interesting was the modified horn that Lucas B. used. The keys were programmed and connected to a joystick which would trigger them to move when necessary. This way instead of waiting for one note with open keys, Lucas would instead be able to play all of the notes with the simple nudge of a joystick. This form of assistive technology is one that helps students with disabilities play music, but there are so many more options out there.
There are forms of assistive technology that are more crucial to the lives of people with disabilities. Computerized voice devices help students who are nonverbal talk to the people around them! This form of assistive technology is extremely crucial, and allows students to not only be an active participant in the classroom; it allows them to be an active participant outside of the classroom as well. In the video it shows students participating in question & answer time. This is one of the most important times that a teacher could have in a special education classroom. From my observations in Guam’s special education classrooms, I know how crucial it is for students (who are nonverbal) to have a way to communicate with the instructor. It is also important for them to be included with their peers so that they could practice their social skills using their assistive technology.
The NET Standard that I feel is most relevant to this video is NET Standard number one: To facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity. To be more specific NET Standard number one/c which according to the International Society for Technology in Education (2008) is to “promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students' conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes.” This is the perfect way to describe the use of assistive technology in the classroom. Teachers are required to make the necessary adjustments for students with disabilities, and to let them grow and develop their own personalities. The use of assistive technology is just a tool used to help them say/do what they want to do. The information or the thoughts were always there to begin with; it is just sometimes hard for students with disabilities to voice what they are thinking. As a future special education teacher I would make sure that I consider the capabilities and disabilities of my students before I create any activity in my classroom. Mrs. L. Siguenza says that “There are a lot of things that the students can do. You just have to look at their IEP’s, and make modifications accordingly.” (L. Siguenza, personal communication, September 2011).
Although it is very important to have assistive technology Sheryl Burgsthaler -the Director of DO-IT from the University of Washington- says that “People who work with students with disabilities often are not aware of the technology that is available for them.” (S. Burgsthaler, 2005).  This is very true. Mrs. Siguenza told me that it has to be stated on a child’s IEP that he/she needs an assistive device in order for it to be provided. My Uncle was diagnosed with extreme cerebral palsy, and it was crucial for him to have a wheel chair. So with the help of different agencies, my aunt was able to provide him with one that suited his specific needs. He would not have been able to attend school if he did not have it, and this is just an example of how assistive technology can change a person’s life. They need these devices to survive, and as a special education teacher I will do everything in my power to make lessons that suit their needs.

1.       Burgsthaler, S. (Interviewee) . (2005) . Assistive Technology: Enabling Dreams [ Online Video] .
The   George Lucas Educational Foundation Retrieved from

2.       Ellis, K.  (Producer/Director) . (2005) .  Assistive Technology: Enabling Dreams [ Online Video] . The   George Lucas Educational Foundation Retrieved from

3.       International Society for Technology in Education. ( 2008). NETS FOR TEACHERS 2008.
ITSE(International Society for Technology in Education. [Retrieved] October 9, 2011, from

4.       L. Siguenza, personal communication, September 2011.

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